The average month-over-month growth for sellers using Merchantee is 63%

Dynamic promotion

Dynamic pricing

Smart Segmentation
Based on customer interactions, Merchantee automatically categorizes your product portfolio into several segments and assigns recommended actions to each.
For products with low sales, it suggests ways to identify why they're underperforming, while for high-converting products, it recommends steps to maximize their sales potential even further.

Market benchmarking

Performance statistics

How it works

Frequently asked questions
Is it possible to try Merchantee before paying?
Yes. You can try Merchantee free for 7 days on 20 selected products. This trial gives you access to all tools to explore Merchantee's capabilities.
We already use integration systems like Baselinker or Channable. Is Merchantee relevant for us?
Yes, Merchantee is a great addition to any integration system. While integrators ensure the connection of your systems with marketplaces and the smooth processing of all orders or communication with carriers, Merchantee helps you automate business activities, make the right decisions, and drive growth in sales and margins. Both Merchantee and integrators cover two essential disciplines needed for marketplaces – high-quality integration (integrators) and effective sales actions (Merchantee).
Who is Merchantee designed for?
Merchantee automates key sales and management processes on online marketplaces, making it beneficial for both smaller and larger sellers.
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