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  • Active copiloting for 100 products
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Monthly subscription
  • Up to 1 000 listed products
  • Active copiloting for 100 products
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Market benchmarking
  • Promotion recommendations
  • Merchantee sales assistance
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  • Individual number of listed products
  • Active copiloting for all products
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Market benchmarking
  • Promotion recommendations
  • Merchantee sales assistance
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Number of listed products Up to 1 000 Up to 10 000 Individual Marketing benchmarking All products All products All products - Total sales - Price Merchantee Active Copilot 400 product seats 1 000 product seats Individual - Dynamic pricing - Promotion recommendations Overview of inactive offers with potential Available marketplaces Allegro, Amazon EU Allegro, Amazon EU Allegro, Amazon EU No. of marketplaces 1 1 1 Direct integration with marketplace account Stock level monitoring Performace report Setting pricing Export Support with setting from marketplace expert 1 meeting after activation 1 meeting after activation 1 meeting after activation
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